Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter 2022 - Happy Easter

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Stephanie sent Mom and me a picture of Abby, Xander, and Emma's Easter baskets. 

Sylvester is a new addition to our family. We got him in December of 2021 shortly after losing our beloved Athena in October of 2021. 

He's quite an awesome cat and can be seen here looking at squirrels and birds. He really chatters when he sees them. 

He's very adorable, loveable, and soft and plush. 

Easter Sunday 2022

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Dale and I attended church at Sts. Luke and James Episcopal Church over on 46th Street and Colfax Avenue. It was quite a nice service. I haven't been to church on Easter since before the pandemic began in March of 2020. The church was full and the music was lovely.

We took Mom to lunch at the Normandy Kitchen. Neither Dale nor I have been there since Gethsemane closed in November of 2019.

Quiet day otherwise and gloomy too. Could really stand some sunshine.