Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

After brunch we took Athena to the airport dog park. I can't get over how gorgeous the weather is.

Easter 2014 - The Lowbrow

We met Mom at the Lowbrow for brunch around 12:30 and ordered mimosas immediately.  Mom and I then ordered the bacon scallion scramble and Dale got the salmon scramble. Delicious. 

Easter 2014 - The Backyard

We stopped home briefly after the service before meeting Mom for brunch at the Lowbrow. I love that there's no snow on the ground.

Easter 2014

The service today was beautiful. It was so nice when the doors were opened at the end and all of the sunshine poured into the church. It was great to have a sunny 70 degree Easter because it's been a long winter.

Easter 2014 - Peeps

Father Theo loaded the choir stalls with Peeps bunnies. His sermon included a clever joke about reanimating a dead bunny with harespray that would also restore permanent wave. Dale configured the bunny on the left to look like it might need a little harespray.

Easter 2014 - Alleluia

Choir rehearsal went well. The above image was on the Sunday bulletin. 

Easter 2014 - Gethsemane

Dale and I got to church this morning around 8:45 for choir rehearsal. It was a beautiful and warm spring morning which seems so appropriate for Easter. The north side of the church looked glorious in the sunshine.

Happy Easter 2014

Happy Easter 2014

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Ten Commandments

Dale and I had cocktails and ate dinner while watching the Ten Commandments on ABC.

Happy Easter to All My Peeps

Photo taken about a month ago at the Mall of America Peeps store when Sam and Becky were here with the boys.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday 2014

Sang  at church tonight with the choir.  The anthem was a beautiful piece titled Jesus Christ the Apple Tree, a song with which I was unfamiliar. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Maundy Thursday 2014

Maundy Thursday service tonight. Footwashing was optional and hardly anyone went up.

Sunday, April 13, 2014