Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013 - Dale's Basket

Dale found all the Easter eggs I had hidden out on the porch. I filled  the eggs with little trinkets from around the house (i.e. a small good luck troll, coins, a fortune cookie, etc.). He really was a good sport about all of this.  I didn't want to fill the eggs with candy since Dale doesn't really care for sweets and we're trying to watch our weight for our Puerto Rico trip which is coming up in just a couple of days.

Easter 2013 - Joe's Basket

I've had this particular Easter basket since I was a little kid. Mom made the heart you see in the basket much more recently.

Easter 2013 - Athena

Easter 2013 - Dale

After getting home from church I sent Dale to get the Sunday paper on the front stoop. When doing this he discovered the Easter baskets I had left out on the porch. 

Easter 2013 - Brunch

With Mom out of town, Dale and I went to the Hilton right after church for brunch.  It was quite a spread.  I thought the ham was particularly good and the carrot ginger soup was quite tasty as well.

Easter 2013 - Mom

Mom is in Leavenworth for Easter with Sam and his family.  It's been quite a while since I've spent an Easter without her.  In fact, I can't quite recall when an Easter without her would have been.  Anyway, Becky is hosting another Easter party like she did last year and Mom offered to help.  She'll be home tomorrow and I'm looking forward to stories about how it went. 

Easter Service 2013

The service at Gethsemane this morning was very meaningful.  Reverend Joy preached about how we die and are resurrected every day.

Happy Easter 2013

Woke up to a gloomy morning.  Not what I was hoping for for Easter but, of course, the holiday is about so much more than the weather.  Dale had to be to church early for choir rehearsal so I took advantage of his absence at home and got the Easter baskets ready.  They've been set out on the porch for him to discover.